Spiritual Formation at the Edges

Communion as Calling: Embodied faith in real space and time


In the Spring of 2023, I spent eight days at a retreat center in Virginia. The purpose was to process some of the pain of the past three years and get my heart in line with God’s calling on my life. Just 20 months prior, my family and I had lost our home of 15 years when the Taliban retook Afghanistan. Through the displacement of Afghans in the aftermath of the US withdrawal from the country, we lost contact with many of our friends.

Growing into the Fullness of Christ: An Interspiritual Perspective on the Margins of Missiology


This article offers an interspiritual perspective on spiritual formation from the edge of mission, in the crucible of a creative missional ministry called Awarezen. At the heart of Awarezen is the Order of Awarezen Mitras (OAM), a beloved community of disciples of the Way–Jesus Christ–who is immersed in a lifelong journey of spiritual and contemplative training derived from an interspiritual dialogue of wisdom traditions.