Arriving in 1988, Bruce raised support to supervise volunteers working in maintenance. But, as soon as we arrived, he was placed in the Personnel Office. From there he has held many diverse roles: Recruiter/ Trainer, Personnel Director, Vice President of Business Affairs, programmer/manager for Ministry Accounts, and associate editor of the Perspectives curriculum. Since 2002, he has been developing and leading the Perspectives Global Network.
Perspectives is a college-level, mobilization course that provides an in-depth orientation to God's role for his people in his purpose for all nations. Perspectives Global exists to support the establishment of self-sustaining national Perspectives study programs run by national leadership that represent and serve a broad cross-section of the body of Christ in their country.
As of 2024, Perspectives is taught in 39 countries and 9 languages and expanding rapidly. Bruce is blessed to work with strong regional leadership to oversee program development in Asia, Europe and Latin America. Bruce's office directly oversees program development in Africa.
Linda has filled many roles in addition to that of a mother of four, one of whom is intellectually disabled. She helped lead the Extended Family Co-op and women's weekly prayer gathering for many years. In 1991, she and several others helped transform a home school cooperative into an elementary school with a world Christian focus. She has served our staff in various aspects of member care in both formal and informal capacities, using her gifts of prayer, hospitality, service, teaching and mentorship. Her most satisfying ministry to date was teaching English to refugee women for several years while we lived temporarily in Salt Lake City. She loved having direct contact with ladies from unreached peoples after serving them only from a distance for so long.
To connect with the Kochs, contact [email protected]