Andy Bettencourt

Andy serves in the Winter Launch Lab and Missiology Department. In the Winter Launch Lab, he facilitates workshops, consultations, and nonferences, while also researching missiological and theological innovation to aid those working at the frontiers of mission. In the Missiology Department, Andy serves as chair for the Ralph D. Winter Lectureship, aids in the management of the International Journal of Frontier Missiology, serves as a cohost on the Missions Drop Podcast, writes for the Ralph D. Winter Research Center blog, and contributes to and influences missiological conversations in societies and at conferences around the globe. Andy has spoken at and maintains relationships with members of the Diaspora Peoples of Europe and the Asia Society for Frontier Missiology as well as engaging missiological conversations at Fuller Seminary, the Evangelical Missiological Society, Rethinking Forum, and the American Academy of Religion. Andy's passion is to care for others well, and it is embodied in his work that seeks to think and research deeply in order to better understand the challenges of demonstrating the Gospel in various contexts.