A brief update
The latest on FV & WCIU Properties
The latest on FV & WCIU Properties
We are interested not only in seeing more people go and send and give, but helping them do so more effectively, based on greater insight. We're not concerned with simply seeing more harvesters; we want to see them thriving and experiencing multiplying movements of the Gospel among the toughest places on earth.
As we consider how the last two decades have radically changed how the world works and collaborates, we are planning to change how we pursue the vision of seeing a movement to Jesus among the remaining unreached peoples of the world.
Frontier Ventures recently sent a team to minister to refugees in Germany for two weeks. These are some reflections on our time there.
Frontier Ventures recently sent a team to minister to refugees in Germany for two weeks. Below are a few reflections from our time there. Names have been changed for security reasons.
Thank you for following along with us as we released the A-Z of Frontier Mission. Here is a recap of the whole series for you to review and share with others.
Z is for ZERO. Zero is the goal--zero unreached peoples--because the gospel is for every people.
Y is for YES. We long to see God's 'yes' and our 'yes' together--gloriously evident throughout all the families of the earth. (Habbakuk 2:14)
X is for XIANDAO. The Xiandao people of China are a story of hope. They are a story of victory and breakthrough. Once unreached, now they are filled with an outpouring of the good news. May all peoples be as the Xiandao.
W is for WORSHIP.