COVID-19, Unreached Peoples and the Worlds Urban Poor Resources | South Asia + Latin America

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In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing a weekly report complied by Frontier Ventures and William Carey International University to promote intercession, cultivate biblical hope, and encourage friends to seek first the kingdom of God in this present hour.


South Asia and Latin America are regions of growing concern about the pandemic's spread. Pray for the mercies of God! Also, note the appearance of the July-August issue of Mission Frontiers (which we'll be excerpting throughout July) and the useful infographic from the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. May your reading lead you into intercession and biblical hope!


  • Standing with South Asia in the battle against the pandemic | Link
  • Delhi to transform 25 luxury hotels into COVID-19 care centers | Link
  • Pakistan's COVID-19 timebomb set to explode | Link
  • Israel partners with UAE to fight COVID-19 | Link
  • COVID-19 is battering Africa's middle class | Link
  • Brazil may be the pandemic's perfect storm | Link


  • How Navajo Christians are serving in the pandemic | Link
  • How engagement with religious groups can help fight COVID-19 | Link
  • Reshaping our emerging narratives now | Link
  • Four possible futures after the coronavirus | Link
  • NT Wright: from shared lament to shared action | Link


Mission Frontiers, July-August 2020 issue

In this issue we observe how COVID-19 is leaving its impact on outreaches across the globe. As this virus is changing our lives in dramatic ways, it is also changing the way we go about doing missions—which is what this issue is all about. How do we reach people and make disciples while wearing masks and practicing social distancing? We take a fascinating look at how the Church has responded to pandemics throughout history and review ways that we can respond biblically as Christ followers. We take you on a journey to see how some movements around the world are using the pandemic to reach people for Jesus. You will be called to action when you read how God's people move directly into suffering—despite the circumstances surrounding them. You don't want to miss this issue!