Intro to The A-Z Series

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​The A-Z of Frontier Mission

Fellow Venturers,

We're about to launch a new social media/blog series called the A-Z of Frontier Mission. This is a project we started over 3 years ago and, for one reason or another, never finished. Until now.

Starting tomorrow (September 25, 2015), we'll be posting the letters of the alphabet a day at a time. For each letter, we've selected one important idea we felt was part of the DNA of God's heart for the nations.

A-Z began as a side-project, a challenge to boil down some of the missiology we've been known for into more digestible tid-bits that people new to mission could grab hold of, something like a primer for mission.

But as we prayed and wrestled with selecting concepts for each letter and boiling down each concept into a big idea, a curious thing happened—we found ourselves less and less making a series for social media and more and more participating in worship as we partnered with his heart. We gave each letter a beautiful and creative, sometimes playful expression to convey the richness of God's heart and the diversity and uniqueness of the peoples he has made. The series became focused on why we are in mission rather than how mission should be done.

We were reminded that all missiology—the study of mission, in the end, is about coming along behind the work of the Holy Spirit and tracing his footsteps to learn how we can better cooperate with Him in new places and among new peoples. Missiology can be viewed as an intellectual pursuit, but it is profoundly rooted in the heart of God and the mystery of his Spirit. With that said, perhaps this is about missiology after all.

One more reason we felt to share this with you was because no matter how much we learn about how God works, there is always more; and no matter how much of his heart we receive, there is always more. That's exciting. Through A-Z we were reminded that we are latecomers to the table he himself is setting before the nations. He is an amazing Father, drawing all peoples to himself for a glorious family reunion.

We hope you resonate with the heart of this series which is God being loved and magnified in every heart and every people on earth! Share it with those you know who have a similar passion as you or are just beginning to discover God's heart for the nations.

Each post is written by either someone at Frontier Ventures or friends and co-laborers of FV. This is a day of convergence and acceleration.

We dedicate this to our amazing Jesus and to all the peoples of the earth who are still waiting to meet him.

Jonathan Pon, Creative Director at Frontier Ventures

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