Ralph D. Winter Lectureship 2021
Our 2021 Lectureship will be held online from February 24-26 and will explore Karl Ludvig Reichelt's pioneering work among Buddhists in China.
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Our 2021 Lectureship will be held online from February 24-26 and will explore Karl Ludvig Reichelt's pioneering work among Buddhists in China.
A case study about form and function.
Frontier Ventures's Winter Launch Lab recently hosted Thy Kingdom Come, a two-day (March 28-29) academic-activist conference.
Thank you for following along with us as we released the A-Z of Frontier Mission. Here is a recap of the whole series for you to review and share with others.
Z is for ZERO. Zero is the goal--zero unreached peoples--because the gospel is for every people.
Y is for YES. We long to see God's 'yes' and our 'yes' together--gloriously evident throughout all the families of the earth. (Habbakuk 2:14)
X is for XIANDAO. The Xiandao people of China are a story of hope. They are a story of victory and breakthrough. Once unreached, now they are filled with an outpouring of the good news. May all peoples be as the Xiandao.
W is for WORSHIP.
V is for VENTURE. We move forward despite uncertainty because we are certain of the Promise.
U is for UNENGAGED. The 3,000 people who are still without access to the gospel--what greater priority is there in mission? (Romans 15:20) #AtoZofMission